5 Tips for Your Kid's First Concert

It's hard to decide when the time is right for your child to go to their first concert. There are a lot of things to consider, not the least of which, can they sit in one place for a two hour concert? 

Since WinterJam 2015 this evening, we have our top 5 tips to make you child's first concert as easy and fun as possible!

1) Get ear protection

The music will be very loud, especially in an arena setting, so bring a couple pairs of ear plugs or for smaller children a good pair of over-the-ear headphones.

2) Have a stash of snacks

Depending on the concert venue, you can bring the kiddo's favorite snacks and water to stave off any hunger meltdowns, but some venues don't allow outside food or drink. If that's the case, your best bet would be to buy water and some sort of snack early in the evening the before concession lines get too long.

3) Get aisle seats away from the front

Aisle seats give you a clean, non-disruptive getaway route for the inevitable potty breaks and other exits. It's good to keep away from the front to avoid some of the rowdier crowds and, in most cases, the music will be louder near the front.

4) Have a designated meeting place

In case you ever get separated, it is very helpful to have a pre-decided meeting place with your child. Whether it's a specific entrance, booth, or other landmark. Make sure your child knows where to meet you; you could even write it down and put it in their  pocket with your phone number.

5) Get LOTS of pictures

Take a lot of pictures to document this exciting day! You can get pictures: before you leave your house, excited in the car, outside the venue with your tickets, at your seats, wander down near the stage before the concert for a photo op, with any band merch, and if you're at a Fish concert, make sure you say hi and get a picture at the booth! If you're a scrapbook er, you can save the ticket stub and a program and make a really nice page to commemorate the day.

The most important thing is to enjoy a lovely day with your family; keep these things in mind and have a great first concert!