One Change At A Time! By Mom Squad Member Rachel Scott

Having a large family of 8 and trying to eat healthy can be challenging and expensive. There are so many unhealthy but quick options available that it seems almost impossible and unaffordable. 

One day when I was chatting with an old friend she gave me some really good advice. She said “Rachel, take it one item at a time.” I thought this was a great suggestion. It took the pressure off of me to become a healthier eater overnight.

Step 1: I went shopping without purchasing anything sweet- This was based on a friend’s advice for me to try not bringing sweets into the house but going out and grabbing sweets if I had the taste for them. I decided to try it and I must admit not having immediate access to sweets was the best decision made for my family's health.  The first few shopping trips were challenging but after about 3 or 4 trips my cart was sweets free. I decided to purchase more fresh fruits to take the place of the sweets and a big bag of frozen fruit for my kiddos to snack on or make smoothies.

Step 2: I picked one item at a time that my family ate often and chose a healthier version of that item. - The first item I changed was peanut butter. I transitioned to organic peanut butter and then eventually almond peanut butter. Yes it is more expensive but when you are only doing one item at a time you’re able to adjust to the cost better. I then changed us from refined sugar to coconut sugar, regular chips to veggie chips, sweet cereal to healthy cereal brands, sugar drinks to organic or 100% fruit juices and regular store brought chicken to farm raised chicken with no additives.

This may not seem like much but as you gradually transition over, you will look up and  find that your entire kitchen has been changed and your family is eating healthier.  Here is my recipe tip for a great and quick after school snack, add on at dinner or way to help stretch a 2 day meal. Kids will love it! (You can sneak in some veggies if you would like as well).

Rachel’s Real Quick Smoothie (makes 8-10 8oz cups)
30-32 oz of Fruit Juice
3-4 cups of Frozen Fruit
1 TBSP of Whip Cream (The lite works just as well)

1. Mix fruit juice and frozen fruit in a Blender
2. Pour into 8 oz cup and serve with 1 Tbsp of Lite Whip Cream on top

By: Mom Squad Rachel Scott